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   The FlexFile error system has been changed significatly in
   releases after 1.01.  The main differences are that:

     1. Any call to any FlexFile V_xxx() function will reset
     the V_ERROR() to zero.  Any call to any A_xxx() function
     will reset the A_ERROR() to zero.  This prevents an error
     setting from appearing in a context other than what
     caused it.

     2. Two error codes are now maintained.  One for the V_xxx()
     functions and the other for the A_xxx() functions.

     3. Calling either V_ERROR() or A_ERROR() no longer resets
     the error code.  Therefore, you can now make multiple calls
     to the desired error reporting routine without loosing the

   General Information

   The FlexFile error system is accessed by either of the two
   functions A_ERROR() or V_ERROR().  These functions can be
   accessed from the debugger's expression window or placed
   directly in your code.  Of course, if you plan to use either
   function from the debugger you must refer to them with either
   the EXTERNAL command or explicitly within your code in order
   for the LINKER to include them in your application.

   The error functions will report the last error that
   was trapped by FlexFile as a numeric integer.  For example, if
   you attempt to V_USE() a file which is already being used
   exclusivly by another user on a network, V_USE() will return a
   -1 and V_ERROR() will return 5052.  However, if you do not
   test the V_ERROR() return value until after you try to
   V_REPLACE() a value (remember no file was opened), then
   V_ERROR() will return 7301 indicatating a V_REPLACE() error.

   Ignore any numbers in the 10's and 1'n place in the return
   value from the error functions;  these are used by the
   FlexFile support staff.  So, for example, 7301 and 7302 both
   refer to the 7300 class of error.

   These functions, when called, reset the error value to zero
   which indicates that no error has occurred.

See Also: V_ERROR() A_ERROR()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson